Poppies (Papaver spp.) Can be perennials or annuals. They develop well in ordinary, well-drained soil and full sunlight. The brightly coloured blossoms of perennial poppies vary from red and orange to pink and yellow. It is possible to propagate both annual and perennial poppies from seed or allow the seed heads to stay on the plants and also to self-sow.
When to Construct Poppy Seeds
Perennial poppy plants produce seeds in what’s known as a seed holder, which means that the seed heads open gradually and also holds the seeds in position unless it’s disturbed. Poppy seeds are so tiny that a mild wind can get the seed to spread other areas. For this reason, when collecting the seed pods, make certain to harvest them before they open. The seed pods are ready to collect when they look wrinkly, feel leathery and the seeds rattle inside the pod.
How to Construct Poppy Seeds
Collect poppy seeds during dry weather. Walk along the flower bed and bend the lawns so that seed pods are broke and shake seeds into a container. You can also cut off the whole seed stalk, place them in container, removing the seeds after and pitching out the stalks. If you must harvest seed pods before they’re dry, you can harvest the seeds and place them in a dry, airy location where they can finish drying.
Saving Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds require storage in a cool, dry location. Poppy seeds lose viability quickly, so plant the seeds as soon as possible or properly store them. It is possible to store the seeds for up to one year in a clean food container or food storage bag that is sealed tightly. It is also possible to maintain the seeds in the refrigerator until you are ready to plant the following year.
When to Sow Poppy Seeds
Sow perennial poppy seeds outdoors in early spring while soil remains cool and there is a still an opportunity to get a mild frost, or you can sow them in late autumn. Poppy seeds need a period of freezing and thawing to germinate, plus it takes as many as five months for plants to develop, grow and reach maturity. You can also start seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost.