All garden vegetables need water occasionally, most often throughout the germination and early development stages. Some vegetables, particularly cool-season crops such as broccoli (Brassica oleracea), require ample water over the whole period from germination through crop. Other vegetables need constant watering during early development, flowering and fruit-setting, but much less water since the fruits develop. These are the crops which are simplest to maintain under drought or permanently dry states. Both thirsty and drought-tolerant plants benefit from water-wise ethnic practices.

Nightshade Family

The nightshade family (Solanaceae) contains lots of vegetable garden favorites. Among them are lots of plants which thrive in low-water ailments. Plants needing regular watering from germination through flowering and fruiting, but much less water since the fruits develop, include tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11, but usually grown as annuals, and all kinds of peppers (Capsicum annuum) and eggplant (Solanum melongena var. Esculentum), perennial in tropical areas, but increased as annuals. Too much water may cause issues like blossom end rot, which ruins the fruits. Minimal water, on the other hand, concentrates the taste of the adult fruit.

Squash Family

Vining crops such as annual cucumber (Cucumis sativus) withstand dry conditions, needing consistent water during the flowering and fruit-setting span. Other members of the cucumber/squash family (Cucurbitaceae) together with the exact conditions include the numerous varieties of yearly fall/winter squashes. These include Hubbard and butternut squash in addition to pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata varieties). Annual summer squashes also thrive with comparatively little moisture after flowering and fruit set. These include summer, crookneck and zucchini squashes Cucurbita pepo varieties).

Peas and Asparagus

Garden or English peas (Pisum sativum) are annuals and, generally, cool-season crops, creating early in the growing season when tempartures are likely to be cooler and humidity more abundant in the soil and as rain. They require more water than cucurbits or nightshade family members, but not as much as crops such as broccoli. Established English pea plants need constant watering throughout the pod-filling stage, after pods have grown as well as also the peas inside are maturing. Another cool-season harvest, edible asparagus varieties, such as “Jersey Knight” (Aparagus officinalis “Jersey Night”), need the additional water during the spear manufacturing phase.

Cultural Factors

When using drought-tolerant plants in the vegetable garden, it’s still important to use good, water-wise ethnic practices. This includes amending the soil with considerable quantities of organic stuff at planting time. When the plants are in, mulch with several inches of organic mulch to conserve soil moisture and keep down weeds which rob desirable plants of water. Irrigate in ways that provide maximum water to plant roots and limit waste by evaporation. Soaker hoses, which can be attached to programmable timers, supply slow, constant irrigation if and when it’s needed.

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