You don’t have to hang an artsy tapestry on the wall in the conventional style. Its weighty wool or upholstery material makes it easy for more uneven programs — as a room divider, window treatment or even a headboard. Keeping it safe from damage or stretching, however, is paramount in keeping its value; mounting or casing a tapestry can deface and devalue it, as may hanging it year-round. Getting your tapestry professionally prepared for any uneven program you plan to work with and understanding how to look after it’s the best method to keep its value and state.
Room Divider
A long or big tapestry makes an intriguing room divider. Whether you desire the concept of separation between a dining and living room or the beds at a bedroom that is shared, a colorful fabric “wall” provides a stylish, artsy option to your standard, freestanding divider. Catch a curtain rod through the tapestry’s rod tunnel and hang it from heavy-duty ceiling-mounted drapery hardware. Tapestries, particularly big ones, are heavy; securely mount the hardware to ceiling joists. Should you prefer, have tapestries — or tapestry-fabric panels — stretched and stapled over three wood frames or plywood panels as the foundation for a hexagonal folding divider.
Window-Topper Tapestry
It is important to maintain your tapestry out of direct sunlight to slow down fading caused by ultraviolet rays. Thus, a narrow tapestry can make an perfect window topper; if it’s over the window, then UV rays can not reach it. The tapestry should span the window width or be slightly longer and stretch down just to this window’s upper framework. A light-blocking fabric financing offers protection, if needed. If a durable tapestry doesn’t have a rod tunnel on the top border, add rod casing where needed; delicate tapestry should only hang its weight supported from the warp or lengthwise threads, not the weft — the interwoven threads. Never hang a tapestry with hooks; the uneven weight distribution triggers unsightly, devaluing stretching.
For a Headboard
If you intend to hang your tapestry on the wall in standard fashion, position it behind your bed for an intriguing headboard effect. An attractive tapestry’s hues, shapes or theme may be the room’s beginning point for accent colours, form and style. If the tapestry doesn’t have a rod tunnel, one option is to hang it using Velcro. Sew one tape part to the tapestry’s back top border, stitching between the threads. Staple another tape to narrow strapping, matching the tapestry’s width. Expand the strapping level throughout the wall via statues to hold the heavy fabric. A heavy tapestry needs extra Velcro and strapping strips.
Give It a Break
You shouldn’t hang delicate, rare, antique or valuable woolen tapestries on display year — three or four months at a time is sufficient, explains Conservator and also Head of Preservation at Arizona State Museum Dr. Nancy Odegaard. When hung too long, wool stretches and distorts. Before recovering your tapestry, vacuum it or even possess it dry-cleaned. To store it, roll the tapestry in the warps’ direction; folded tapestries crease, which weakens the fibers. Roll the tapestry in acid-free clean or cardboard muslin fabric, leaving the ends open for airflow.