Weeping myrtles also referred to as crape myrtle, are flowering trees that need only small pruning to avoid sucker development and undesirable twig. The only time the tree wants more heavy pruning would be to reduce the dimension of an over-grown tree therefore it’s manageable and desirable. This range of tree adapts well to warm climates above U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zone 7, but you should wait until February to trim a weeping myrtle. A tree could be damaged by an unexpected cold spell with pruning wounds that are open.

So the cut is flush with all the stem trim off all shirt twig development on the principal stem or trunk of the tree.

Trim away any sucker development that protruding through the soil round the bottom of the tree and is growing in the root method.

Remove branches that crossing-over branches to enhance air-flow through the crown and are growing horizontal. Prune branches to eliminate any that are rubbing to avoid branch injury.

Trim branch development flush to the primary stem off to market new branch development.

Prune an over-grown or outdated weeping myrtle by following the suggestion of the branch where the seedpods kind to the stage the primary branch is met by the stem. Measure 6″ up from this intersection using a ruler and cut the stem. Repeat this on each stem on the crown of the myrtle to produce the shape that is required.