The stunning fuchsia flower clusters cascading from Tonto crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia “Tonto”) provide much-needed late-summer colour to gardens in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant-hardiness zones 7 although 10.This 7- to 10-foot-high, 4- to 6-foot-wide shrub’s bronzy-green summer foliage deepens to red in autumn. Chocolate-, grey- and tan- bark that is mottled completes the semi-dwarf slate of characteristics that are decorative. Pests include aphids and Japanese beetles. Gardeners quick on room can appreciate warmth-, drought- and mildew-resistant Tonto as a container plant.
Choose a container at least 2-3 times the width of the shrubâs nursery pot. One ranging – 2 -feet 2 to 3-feet deep and across should be big enough to to allow for Tonto for many years. It has to have drainage holes; persistently moist soils are n’t tolerated by crepe myrtles.
Make medium of equal parts of compost, peat moss, composted bark, sand and perlite. Add water. Until it drains, in case it sticks together, blend in perlite.
Place a paper towel on the holes in the pot that is permanent from leaching to keep the medium. Add enough medium to the pot so the very top of your Tontoâs root ball will sit about 1-inch lower in relation to the pot’s lip.
Position one-hand below the bottom of the nursery pot of the Tonto shrub as well as another flat on its area, together with your fingers gripping the foundation of the branches. Invert and slide the free.
Trim packed roots using pruning shears or a sharp knife, cutting-off . Untangle the roots together with your fingers.
Ease the Tonto to the pot that is permanent therefore it rests on the medium. As-needed before the very best of its own root ball sits 1-inch below the rim of the container, remove or include medium under the the shrub.
Add medium across the root ball, halting to water in the half-way stage and allow the plant settle. Continue before you protect the root ball, leaving sufficient space under the the potâs lip for watering.
Plant Treatment
Watch everyday for leaf wilt. It usually signifies a plant that is thirsty. Soak until water drains in the container. Actively developing crepe myrtles require more irrigation than types that are dormant, but crops need water to keep the soil from drying entirely.
Feed Tonto with 8-8-8 or slow-release fertilizer, applied according to the manufacturer’s speci%8th 8-8-8 or slow-release fertilizer, applied according to the manufacturer’s specification8-8%8Tonto with 8-8%88%8Tonto with 8-8-8 or slow release fertilizer, used according to the maker specs the of
Eliminate the tiny, lifeless twigs in its canopy and prune Tonto as a result of its its leaves fall only to preserve its form. Trim off its branches to form it as a tree that is little; leave branches measuring mo-Re than 3″ across. Remove its flowers to to increase bloom.
Check the leaves’ everyday for greenish yellow, pearshaped aphids feeding on leaf and stem juices. Metallic-green beetles that are Japanese assault freshly blooms that are opened in the ends of branches. Remove aphids using a blast of water from a hose. Fill a bucket using a remedy of water and dish soap, select off Japan beetles byhand and fall them.