Polyvinyl chloride pipe is set up in sewer lines, and comes in a variety of diameters to fit different water fixtures. Every PVC pipe includes printing on its exterior that provides information on the maker, in addition to the pipe type and its diameter. If you put in the pipe open view, aesthetic motives point towards removing the published writing on the tube. This is best performed with PVC cleaner.

PVC Cleaner Removes Dirt, Oil and Grease

PVC cleaner is a liquid used to clean the external surfaces of pipes that should be set up in sewer or water lines. The cleaner is used on PVC, CPVC and ABS hard plastic outlines. The cleaner is initially used to remove all dirt, grease and oil in the pipe before cement and primer is applied to put in a coupling joint, but the cleaner also eliminates the printing in the pipe .

PVC Primer To Be Confused With PVC Cleaner

PVC primer can also be available to wash pipe surfaces, but also has a purple additive that places the pipe so it is simple for city inspectors to realize that the primer was applied to the pipe. This primer partially softens the pipe to help cement stick into the pipe, where regular PVC cleaner doesn’t. Because of the discoloration and partial softening of the pipe, this product shouldn’t be confused or used with PVC cleaner.

Disadvantages of PVC Cleaner

The PVC cleaner is a clear liquid that gives off a strong vapor, which smells like ketone. The vapor shouldn’t be inhaled because it may cause nausea or nausea. If possible, use the cleaner in a well ventilated place. The liquid includes acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and tetrahydrofuran. In the event the harsh chemicals of PVC cleaner disturb you, an alternative cleaning method uses abrasion as the technique to take out the print. Gently sand the lettering with an oscillating tool equipped with a hook and loop pad and 220-grit sandpaper.

Implementing the PVC Cleaner

Unscrew the lid of this PVC cleaner and pull off the lid (a small foam brush applicator is attached to bottom of the lid). Rub the applicator around the rim of the tin to remove excess liquid. Brush the applicator back and forth across the printed parts of this PVC pipe, until the lettering disappears. Wipe off any liquid out of the pipe surface with a rag that has not evaporated. If any ink in the lettering remains on the pipe, then repeat the procedure until each of ink has gone in the pipe . Screw the lid back onto the PVC cleaner tin.

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