A grant deed is a real estate conveyance document. Contrary to a quitclaim deed, the grant deed comprises guarantees from the seller that the seller actually has good title to the property being conveyed. The person who suggests a grant deed guarantees that he actually has the right into the property and he has not conveyed his rights to anyone else. It is crucial to use the grant deed correctly to maintain those rights.
Grantor Signature and Grantee Identification
You must sign the grant deed if you are the seller. You also need to have a public notary acknowledge or verify your signature on the grant deed. A grant deed is legally ineffective unless the grantor, meaning the individual selling or transferring the property, signals the grant deed. Additionally, state law calls for a public notary to verify or admit the grantor’s trademark. Of course, the grant deed also has to recognize the new owner, known as the grantee. There is no requirement that the grantee sign the grant deed, but the deed must identify the grantee.
Property Description
You also need to attach a legal description of the property into the grant deed. Without a legal description there’s no way to verify what property you intended to convey. A street address alone is not sufficient, since the following property owner could tear down the present building and construct four new buildings, and then the speech in the grant deed could be meaningless.
Finally, state law requires that you must have the grant deed”listed” after you sign it. Recording means taking the authorized copy of the grant deed to the county property records office and paying a fee to submit the grant deed from the public records. The purpose of recording is to secure your ownership rights by notifying the general public that you are the owner of the property. Failure to record could jeopardize the grantee’s claim to ownership from the property.