The “Maverick Scarlet” geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum “Maverick Scarlet”) is functions nicely as a specimen plant for many uses across the lawn. Its intensely hued flowers make them useful for focal points or as cutting flowers. As with other bedding geraniums, these are not true geraniums but rather the closely related pelargoniums.


The “Maverick Scarlet” geranium is a boldly colored cultivar with large clusters of bright, deep red flowers. Like many bedding geraniums, the “Maverick Scarlet” shows deeply zoned leaves with the feature dark purple to reddish-brown zoning stripe. The big, showy, mophead flowers grow to 4 to 5 inches across on stems reaching 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall. As with other cultivars from the Maverick series, the “Maverick Scarlet” is heat-tolerant and prized for its screen.

Perennial Zones

Tropical and subtropical climates in their indigenous habitats make these abundantly flowering plants annuals in many climates, but the “Maverick Scarlet” geranium is hardy as a perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Elsewhere, those plants have been sold either singly or by the flat to be used as bedding annuals.


As a perennial, “Maverick Scarlet” geraniums are showy plants to improve borders and beds with their bright scarlet flower heads. Since they do not die in locations where they’re perennial, you can always depend on them as a focus for your beds. Because annuals, the “Maverick Scarlet” geranium is suited to many different activities, such as hanging baskets, deck containers, window boxes and interspersed throughout flower beds for bold splashes of colour. Mass plantings of “Maverick Scarlet,” with additional bedding geraniums or as the only real plant, bring bold blocks of colour to the yard.


Like many additional bedding geraniums, the Maverick series flowers are especially prone to hard freezes. They’ll quickly die when subjected to low temperatures. They are also susceptible to the very same pests and diseases as other bedding geraniums, including various rots and leaf spot. Plant them in a full-sun place with well-drained soil for the best flowering. Dead-heading keeps these boldly colored plants looking their best and blooming throughout the season.

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