Readying blankets and cushions for long-term storage can seem to be a simple task, but it takes preparation and the appropriate supplies to do the job properly. Bedding requires special care to keep it in pristine condition while stored. Whether you are downsizing, closing up a vacation house for the season or even simply organizing closets, choose the method and materials which best meet your requirements and budget.

Vacuum Bags

Use vacuum storage bags to guard blankets and cushions and cut back the total amount of space it takes to store them. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment, these durable cotton and cotton bags produce an airtight seal to keep dirt, insects, mildew and odors out of bedding while in storage. Put folded blankets or cushions inside the bag and seal the plastic zipper closure. Insert the hose to the valve, turn on the vacuum, remove all of the air and shut the bag’s valve cap. Make your own vacuum storage bags with plastic trash bags. Set the blankets and pillows in a trash bag and gather up the open end in one hand. Set the vacuum cleaner nozzle inside the bag until the contents are compacted. Close the bag with packing tape or tie a knot in the open end.

Cedar Chest

A wooden chest lined with aromatic cedar is a practical solution for storing blankets and pillows. Cedar wood oil functions as a natural moth and insect repellant, which makes it appropriate for storing natural-fiber bedding. Without regular maintenance, cedar may lose its effectiveness. Stimulate the timber’s oils and restore the scent by gently sanding the inside of your cedar chest before packing away bedding items.

Plastic Lidded Bins

Plastic lidded storage bins are commonly available and come in many different sizes. They are particularly ideal to storing synthetic blankets and poly-filled bed cushions. Vinyl bins keep bedding clean and free of allergens. Under-bed bin designs keep blankets out of sight. Bigger bins work for storing bulkier blankets and cushions in your basement, attic or rented storage unit.

Cardboard Moving Boxes

This budget-friendly storage choice may not offer your blankets and cushions the identical amount of safety as other storage procedures, but it will do in a pinch. Buy or find extra-large moving poles and line them with heavy duty lawn and leaf garbage bags. Line the inside base of the bag with packing paper. Put your folded blankets and cushions inside the bag, then push out as much air as possible and seal with a twist tie.

Important Tips

Launder or even dry-clean items before storage. Even seemingly harmless substances like body oil may permanently discolor or damage fabrics. Properly cleaned and packaged bedding will be brand new and ready for use after long-term storage. Put down-filled blankets and cushions in cotton bags or rolled at a massive sheet for storage. Use the manufacturer’s bag or purchase an appropriately sized canvas carrier. Never store down bedding in vacuum storage bags. Prolonged compression may hurt fragile down clusters and diminish insulating capabilities. Make sure that your storage environment is just as dry as possible to prevent mildew. In moist locations, place storage containers to a freestanding rack or plastic sheeting. Thoroughly dry laundered blankets and cushions before packing and storing.

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